
Financial Inclusion for Growth & Wellbeing of Underserved Women & Youth

We are a dynamic organization determined to improve the livelihood, wellbeing, and empowerment of Tanzanians through transformative financial inclusion and a financial sector that offers quality and sustainable financial solutions.

We focus on the most financially excluded and economically marginalized Tanzanians, particularly women and youth.

To achieve wider impact, our goal is to deliver quality financial solutions that support the economic development and growth of women and youth Micro and Small Enterprise Merchants and farmers who are Small-scale Producers.

What we do

We work closely with key stakeholders in the financial and real sectors to develop market systems.

Our work is centred around advocacy in the financial sector to influence market system changes that deliver value and sustainable impact in the lives of Tanzanians. We engage the market at five different levels:

Policies & Regulations

To improve policies, legal and regulatory frameworks that promote gender equality, as well as economic and financial opportunities for women and youth.

Financial Infrastructure

To improve availability of relevant financial sector infrastructures that will equip the financial sector players and other stakeholders with the ability to meet the needs and aspirations of women and youth.

Financial Solutions

To support financial service providers to develop and scale innovative and responsive financial solutions for women and youth to promote equality, empowerment, and wellbeing.

Capability Development

To improve confidence and capability of women and youth to demand and use financial solutions.

Research, Data & Insights

To support financial service providers, policymakers, regulators, and other players in the financial sector in identification of market opportunities, development of appropriate financial solutions, and implementation of cost-effective delivery models, as well as appropriate regulatory frameworks.

How we work

Our engagement in the market is guided by the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach.

The MSD Approach aims to develop financial market systems that benefit the economically marginalized and financially excluded Tanzanians, leaving no one behind in financial inclusion, economic development and growth. Our work involves:
Building Strategic Partnerships

FSDT builds strategic partnerships with private and public sector stakeholders for co-creation of sustainable financial solutions, policies, regulations, and other enabling environments to deliver sustainable impact in the market.


FSDT promotes thought-provoking viewpoints, as well as usable evidence that reframes different stakeholders’ perception on critical issues related to financial inclusion to influence market change and innovation.

Promoting an Inclusive Digital Economy

FSDT believes that an inclusive digital economy that addresses the real financial needs of women and youth can be a key driver in bridging the gender digital divide, providing opportunities for women and youth economic empowerment using finance as an enabler.

Providing Targeted Capacity
Strengthening & Technical Support

FSDT serves as a catalyst for positive inclusive market change but does not take on direct market function. For this reason, FSDT provides capacity strengthening and technical support to different stakeholders in the financial and real sectors to deliver impact to the beneficiaries. 

Supporting the Development
of Financial Instruments

FSDT is determined to promote the provision of a broad range of financial instruments, including loans, guarantees, quasi-equity (returnable capital), funds and grants to spur innovation, mitigate market risks, and drive the development of the country’s financial ecosystem.


FinScope Tanzania is a nationally representative demand-side survey that provides insights into the financial needs, preferences, and behaviours of consumers, being adult Tanzanians from 16 years and above. It also provides insight into their attitudes and perceptions regarding money management, financial products and services, as well as information regarding demographics and overall lifestyles. It is tailored to be optimally useful for those who want credible information, benchmarks and trends of financial inclusion across mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.


Reflections on the Webinar – Exploring Gender and Age Intentionality in Tanzania’s Financial Sector Ecosystem